Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Deseeding Pomegranates

Deseeding pomegranates is a task to which most people have an aversion. It can be laborious and messy. That being said, I've come up with a series of steps that will help any individual deseed this wonderful and delicious fruit.

1) Start with one pomegranate.

2) Cut off the top of the pomegranate, to the point where the seeds start appearing.

3) You will observe that there are five distinct areas where the fruit seeds are accumulated at the top. Make five shallow cuts along the lines that run between these seed pockets.

4) Using both hands, pry apart each section. The multiple seed pockets should dislodge easily.

5) Place the open pomegranate in a bowl and fill it with water.

6) Dislodge the pomegranate seeds, using your thumbs, while the fruit is under water. Doing this will prevent pomegranate juice from splashing on you.

7) You'll find that the seeds will sink to the bottom and the pith will float to the top. Remove the pith from the water.

9) Drain the water from the bowl.

10) Your pomegranate seeds are now ready to eat.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Baked Oatmeal

Baked oatmeal is turning into one of my favourite, go-to quick meals. It's a variation on regular oatmeal, but with a fluffier texture and a protein punch.

Begin with one half cup of dry quick oats.

Cook the oats by adding boiling water and letting it sit for approximately 3-5 minutes or until all of the water has been absorbed by the oats.

Add one over-ripened banana and one large egg.

Other non-essential ingredients can also be added at this time (e.g. vanilla, raisins, cinnamon, nuts, chocolate chips, carob chips, chopped dates, peanut butter, cinnamon, protein powder, etc.). I decided to use a teaspoon of vanilla and a handful of sweet raisins this time.

A touch of honey or maple syrup can also be added at this point, to impart additional sweetness, if desired.

Combine the ingredients thoroughly, until the mixture resembles a muffin batter-like consistency.

Spread the batter on a foil-lined baking sheet, so that it is approximately 1/4 - 1/2" thick.

Bake the mixture until it is golden brown. To achieve this, I normally use a toaster oven, set at 250°F for 10 minutes.

Spoon the baked oatmeal into a bowl, while it's still hot, and enjoy.