Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blend It Like Beckham

Dairy is quite nutritious and I love it. However, for a lot of people, it can mean trouble to their digestive tracts. There are alternatives available, including commercially-produced soy, rice and almond milks. Although, I have found that these dairy substitutes are often heavily processed and contain undesirable ingredients. Yuck.

If you are looking for a nutritious dairy alternative or would enjoy a different type of beverage, below is an easy recipe to make your own, home-made almond milk.

Begin with soaking 1 - 1&1/2 cups of plain natural almonds in some cold water overnight.

Drain your now plump almonds and set them aside with 3-4 pitted dates. I prefer to use majool dates. For my entry regarding majool dates, please click here.

Blend the almonds and dates with approximately 4 cups of water.

Strain the mixture using a seive. You may need to coax the liquid out with the use and a spoon.

You will be left with approximately 4 cups of delicious, cold almond milk to use as a dairy alternative or as a refreshing drink!

Whatever you do, don't throw away the leftover almond bits!

The leftover almond purée is full of fiber and protein. You can use the mulched almonds in many ways including:
- an addition to cereal
- in recipes for cakes and muffins
- as a dessert, drizzled with a little honey

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