Thursday, January 13, 2011

Panisse de Toronto

For those of you who remember my post about Panisse, a specialty dish from Nice, France, you will note that I have been searching for a place to buy it. (Please click here to view the entry as well as uses for panisse.) Well, I got really tired of looking for it. So, I decided to make it myself. Quite surprisingly, it was extremely easy.

Begin with 2 cups of chickpea flour.

In a sauce pot, add the flour, a generous teaspoon of sea salt and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Turn the stove to the high setting and add 2 cups of hot water. Begin to whisk the mixture until it is smooth.

Within seconds, the mixture will start to get thick and you will need to switch to using a wooden spoon. Keep stirring the mixture until it thickens to the point where it starts to separate from the sides of the pot. It should look like mashed potatoes when it's ready.

Place the mixture in a ramekin, bowl or pan, greased with olive oil. With a little bit of olive oil on your fingertips, push the fluffy mixture down to get a smooth finish.

Let the mixture cool, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until you need to use it.  After this process, I realized that panisse is basically the chickpea version of polenta. It can be sliced and then fried or baked.

Now you don't need to go all the way to France to enjoy it!

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